Racial Justice
Communities of color deserve to speak for ourselves and ensure our voices are heard. HOPE’s polling and panel discussions on Californians of color’s experiences with racism and discrimination, gathered in partnership with other community groups, gives visibility to the opinions and priorities of our communities.

California Community Poll
Since 2020, HOPE has partnered with the Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE), the Los Angeles Urban League, and the Los Angeles Times to conduct a series of statewide polls to better understand how California’s most prominent ethnic groups feel about race relations, discrimination, and public policy issues.
Our first public opinion poll was published in February of 2020, with follow up surveys in July and November of 2020, and annual reports in 2021, 2022, and 2023. The data collected over the past 4 years provide a historical timeline of our communities’ opinions and priorities over the course of this historic time including perceptions of policing, COVID-19, education, discrimination, and immigration.

June 2023 Survey
The 2023 California Community Poll was the sixth statewide survey conducted by our coalition, covering trends in public opinion going back three years. We focused on California’s satisfaction rates with living in the Golden State and continued to uncover inequities and challenges facing women and communities of color.

December 2022 Survey
The sixth iteration of the California Community Poll takes us to Los Angeles, where we examine the political environment awaiting Mayor Bass and the state of race relations in the city. The survey was conducted among registered voters.

April 2022 Survey
In the spring of 2022, our poll paid special attention to higher education access, and the effects of the pandemic on students’ academic trajectory and mental health. We also covered throughline topics including Californian’s economic standing, racism, and gender-based discrimination.

April 2021 Survey
Our April 2021 poll marked one year from our first survey in the series and revisited prominent themes of the past year including COVID-19 response and recovery, race and discrimination, and timely immigration and border issues.

November 2020 Survey
The third California Community Poll was conducted in the days following the 2020 general election (November 4-15, 2020), uncovering how communities of color and low-income families bore the economic brunt of the COVID-19 virus.

July 2020 Survey
This poll uncovers Californians’ opinions on pandemic response, the economy, and police violence in the wake of reckoning against racial injustice and at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

February 2020 Survey
The inaugural California Community Poll — a pre-pandemic look at the state of race relations and discrimination in California.
California Community Poll Partners