Health Equity
Economic and political parity can only be achieved when Latinas and their families have equal access to quality, affordable healthcare. HOPE research around health uncovers disparities in Latinas’ health outcomes, access to healthcare, and lack of representation in medical professions, a key piece to ensuring greater equity in care, and provides concrete recommendations to achieve health equity for Latinas.

California Equity in Mental Health Survey: A Statewide Poll of Black Women & Latinas
Black Women Organized for Political Action (BWOPA) and Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE)® released a historic statewide poll and report on the current state of mental health for Black and Latina women in California. The report and data aim to uplift challenges Black and Latina women face in accessing mental health care and their priorities for approaches to create greater equity in the provision of mental health care. The report calls for key investments to be made by healthcare providers and universities to increase the number of women of color who enter mental health professions, for healthcare providers to lower costs, and for community groups to bridge the lack of knowledge women have about mental health care.
Elevating the Latina Experience: Media Coverage of Our Reports

HOPE has partnered with the California Department of Public Health to Take On Alzheimer’s – California’s first-ever education and awareness campaign to educate Californians about Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) and shift attitudes, beliefs, and narratives on ADRD. Through this partnership, HOPE will share resources about Alzheimer’s disease and important information about the difference between aging and dementia, signs of Alzheimer’s, and tips on how to support those affected by ADRD.
As our population ages, Alzheimer’s disease becomes more prevalent. Take control by reducing risks, recognizing early signs, and prioritizing screening. Early detection gives you more time for informed decisions.
Together, let’s raise awareness and support for Alzheimer’s.