Donate to HOPE

Your support builds Latina community power.

Latinas come to HOPE with a vision for a brighter future, and they graduate from our programs with the skills, knowledge, confidence, and collective ability to transform their communities and the world.

Together, we can uplift Latinas and bring about a bright future for our nation.

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Discover Our Friends of HOPE Membership Benefits & Impact

Your Donation Makes a Difference

60,000 Latinas Served

Over 60,000 Latinas have been served through HOPE's programming, with 3,000 Latinas directly served each year.

1,800+ Leadership Positions

Our alumnae have collectively served on more than 1,800 Nonprofit Boards and Appointed Government Positions, driving systems change in local communities.

98% High School Graduation Rate

98% of HOPE Youth Leadership Program alumnae graduate from high school, well above the national average of 82%.

63% College Completion Rate

63% of HOPE College Leadership Program participants graduate from college within 5 years, compared to the national average of 58% within 6 years.

See HOPE's Impact


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