About HOPE

Our Mission

Hispanas Organized for Political Equality® (HOPE) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed to ensuring political and economic parity for Latinas through leadership, advocacy, and education to benefit all communities and the status of women.

Our Impact

HOPE® prepares and supports Latinas as civic leaders, advocates for policy changes that champion equity for Latinas, and educates the public on the experiences and contributions of Latinas to our economy and society. For over 30 years, HOPE’s innovative programming has served 60,000 Latinas and touched the lives of several thousand more through our advocacy efforts.

Learn more about our work and vision for transforming communities by building economic and political power among Latinas all across the United States.

Our Work

Building Latina Power & Cultivating Changemakers

HOPE Programs


HOPE programs build Latina community power by supporting Latinas with developing the skills to continue their education, break barriers in their careers, and grow as civic leaders. Programs are tailored to different sectors of our community, from high school students, to college students and recent grads, to professionals.

This includes:

  • HOPE Youth Leadership Program
  • HOPE College Leadership Program
  • HOPE Regional Institute & Hubs
  • HOPE Leadership Institute
  • HOPE Binational Fellowship

Bringing Community Together

HOPE Education


HOPE educational events bring Latinas and our supporters together to advocate, celebrate, and learn, strengthening our community ties and reminding one another of all that we can achieve when we work together.

This includes:

  • Latina History Day®
  • Latina Action Day®
  • Latina Empowerment Days
  • Anniversary Awards Dinner
  • Young Professional Summit
  • Ad hoc events and virtual programming throughout the year

Elevating the Latina Experience

HOPE Data and Research


HOPE listens closely to our fellow Latinas and shares data on their experiences, and advocates for policy changes that champion equity for Latinas.

This includes:

  • A series of reports on the economic status of Latinas in various states
  • Public opinion polling in partnership with other community groups
  • Studies on the state of the Latina community in California
  • And other data on issues facing our communities, including mental health, educational access, racism, workplace equity, and more.

Our Ratings and Awards


  • 2018 HIPGiver Gender Equity Award | Hispanics in Philanthropy
  • 2017 Champion in Education Award | The Los Angeles Latino Chamber of Commerce
  • 2015 Community Partnership Award | Southern California Edison
  • 2014 Latino Spirit Award, Achievement in Community Empowerment | CA Latino Legislative Caucus
  • 2014 Medallion Award | National Association of Secretaries of State
  • 2013 Small Business Advocate of the Year | California Hispanic Chamber
  • 2013 Advocate of the Year | Latina Style Magazine

Our Sponsors

HOPE creates impact in the lives of Latinas and the communities they live in with the support and generosity of dedicated sponsors. A special thank you to our Premier Partners, Strategic Partners, and Benefactors for their support of our mission.

For information on becoming a sponsor, please email latinas@latinas.org.

HOPE programming made possible by grants from

Premier Partners

Strategic Partners


Donate to Build Latina Political and Economic Power

Become a Donor

Support HOPE’s work to build political and economic power among Latinas all across the United States. Whether with a one-time donation or by joining the Friends of HOPE Network, your donation will sustain our programs and events, advocacy efforts, and research.

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